Sunday, July 17, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

Huze, Sean and Seabrooks, Mark.  The Sand Storm.  2004.
The play written by Sean Huze and Mark Seabrooks takes place in 2003 in Iraq.  The soldiers each have different stories to share throughout the play.  The themes of love, friendship, and hatred are all touched.

Literature Online biography.  O'Brien, Tim.  2002.
The biography of author/soldier Tim O'Brien.  Fact of his Military days, and life before being an author.

O'Brien, Tim.  The Things They Carried.  1990.
The collection of war stories from Tim O'Brien himself.  Also with themes of love and hatred, but also self conflict and personal demons. 

Wetmore, Kevin J. Jr. The Sandstorm: Stories from the Front.  2006.
His take on The Sand Storm.  Link here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brian,
    One thing that struck me about your blog is that it was mostly a summary of the events of the play. I'd be very curious to hear more of your thoughts on the issues you mentioned like "love, hatred, self conflict, and personal demons. How did "The Sandstorm" affect you?

